lunedì 24 novembre 2008
Libya send us oil and illegal
A large delegation of Italian politicians of many parties captains by a former Premier and senator for life went to Libya to honour the leader of that country.
In the same day landed in Sicily more than a thousand refugees on boats from Libya.
May be it is a coincidence but one gets the impression that the Libyan leader takes stake in Italy.
The visit about a month ago in Libya by Italian Premier had said that the two main advantages for Italy were to ensure continuity of supplies of oil and commitment of that country to prevent the influx Italy of migrants from all over black Africa.
To achieve this, the Italian government has pledged to support significant costs (although diluted over time) for the construction of two thousand km. of highway between Tripoli and Benghazi. To curb illegal emigration, in addition, Italy has undertaken to provide facilities to install satellite surveillance to southern borders of the country. There will be also a joint patrol on the edge of Libyan territorial waters. Later it was stated that this monitoring would be carried out exclusively by Libyans on three patrol boats donated by Italy.
These resources are probably not yet been provided, but the Libyan leader continues to demonstrate that it would not move a finger to start to limit this phenomenon. Indeed one might suspect that the same use this weapon to keep pressure on our authorities and to understand who is commander in relations between the two countries.
If the situation does not improve soon, our Premier should explain on what guarantees were many burdensome commitments and what historical and diplomatic reason pushed Italian Government, unique in the world, to officially ask Libya to apologize for damage caused during the colonial period.
The Libyan leader, in contrast, did not even consider the request for compensation for property seized thousands of Italians expelled a few years ago. He knows he can handle from positions of strength because it has powerful weapons in his hands. In light of what is even more incomprehensible the tribute that many Italian politicians old and new have wanted tribute yesterday.
martedì 11 novembre 2008
Pirates came back
Morgan, the most famous pirate had its basis in some Caribbean islands and occasionally allied with the Queen of England to attack the Spanish galleons loaded with gold. The pirates in Malaysia instead acted on his own and not looking at anyone's face. In that attack, looting and killed anyone who happened to the draft. These are stories of the past that seemed relegated to literature and cinema.
In recent times have returned in flesh and bones. They are acting mainly off the Somali coast. But there are also cases in Liberia and Sierra Leone. The Somalis operate in big. Seize large yachts and transport ships of all sizes, asking repayment billionaires. On September 25 last year have arrested a Ukrainian cargo for requesting a ransom of 20 million dollars. On board there are 20 men crew, 33 tanks and substantial quantity of guns and ammunition. Now they have in their hands fifty boats and 200 crew members.
The situation became so serious that many countries like United States, France, Germany and Russia sent warships and planes and ships to free the hostages. Certainly they will liberate many of them, but it will be very difficult to eradicate the phenomenon. Modern pirates are very well equipped and are suspected to have powerful local connivance.
Somalia has lived many years in a situation of total anarchy imposed by armed bands of each stack. In many other African countries, former European colonies, boss ruthless dictators, who share the proceeds of the considerable natural resources available among a small circle of privileged and leave a serious deprivation of most population.
Certainly colonialism drew large profits from these territories and has done little or nothing for the emancipation of cultural, social and political. Nevertheless makes sense to hear that many of these dictators and their accomplices have studied in the best British, French and American schools and universities. It was always thought that the school is the most powerful means of educating young people. But these young Africans, with curricula often brilliant, when returning to their countries can not escape a kind of reminder of the forest, made up of tribalism, thirst for power, greed and total insensitivity to the needs of their populations.
sabato 1 novembre 2008
The biological testament
The art. 32 paragraph II of the Italian Constitution provides:
This made solemn by the Constitution in 1948 recognizes the right of every person to decide, even against the advice of doctors, whether or not to be subjected to a given treatment, including hospitalization for prudential investigation.
It follows that everyone is master of the health of his body, his life and can decide what choice do during the most critical moments. There are many cases that made news for people who have refused hospitalization, treatments and interventions fully aware that this very likely would have led to a deterioration of their health and a possible fatal outcome.
On this catholic fundamentalists disagree. For them life is given us from God and only God can take away our life. They forget that their opinion is a matter of faith. And faith is who has and who does not. The fundamentalists can’t deny the constitutional principle; however, they have now gone on the offensive of those situations where the person is unable to express his will because incapable or unconscious.
For these cases, to avoid bleak disputes between doctors, judges and representatives of the Church, many opinion leaders are in favour of approving a law that allows each one to produce a biological testament to demonstrate, without a shadow of doubt, what is his desire in a situation of incapacity or unconsciousness. Faced with this expression of advance will everyone is obliged to respect it. Relatives, doctors, judges and Catholic fundamentalists. It is fully in line with constitutional provisions. Therefore a law to allow this is not necessary. The Italian constitution is clear.
But there is something new. Now the Church is asking for a law on biological testament. Someone said: welcome, finally is an opening. But they have not reflected enough. The director of the “Avvenire”, the newspaper of the Italian Episcopal Conference, explained soon. By law we want to introduce limitations on full of this constitutional right. The Church knows that now in parliament there is a large conservative majority ready to adopt measures acceptable to the Vatican.
The Church has forgotten, however, that there is also a public opinion opposed to violations of the letter and spirit of the Constitution. The latter has drawn in the same paragraph of art. 32 of the Constitution: NO LAW CAN VIOLATE THE HUMAN DIGNITY.
Any block to decide how to deal with the most dramatic phases of our lives would be the greatest violation of human dignity.
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