giovedì 23 ottobre 2008

Italy back to nuclar plants

The government has announced that within five years will put the first stone of a new nuclear plant (third-generation, such as those that many countries have from many years). In principle, one can agree.

But there are many doubts. Italy is a country where you can’t build incinerators to dispose of garbage and gasificators to import gas from other countries other than Algeria and Russia. All people want them as long as they are not located in their territory. So where they think to build nuclear plants?

And how long will it take? They say fifteen or twenty years. Meanwhile we continue to import oil. There is also a problem of nuclear waste that nobody knows what to do. We still have those produced more than twenty years ago pending destination. Meanwhile many countries are studying central of fourth generation, which does not produce nuclear waste.

Sooner or later they will achieve them and then what will we do. Dismantling those of the third generation and constructing the fourth. In biblical times and very high costs. Also it was thought that Italy has no uranium? We must import it, presumably at rising prices, and there is little uranium on earth and is intended to exhaust.
Many people forget that the only sources of clean energy, free and inexhaustible are the sun and the wind as frequently remind us the Italian Nobel Prize Rubbia.

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